45 research outputs found

    Operator vision aids for space teleoperation assembly and servicing

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    This paper investigates concepts for visual operator aids required for effective telerobotic control. Operator visual aids, as defined here, mean any operational enhancement that improves man-machine control through the visual system. These concepts were derived as part of a study of vision issues for space teleoperation. Extensive literature on teleoperation, robotics, and human factors was surveyed to definitively specify appropriate requirements. This paper presents these visual aids in three general categories of camera/lighting functions, display enhancements, and operator cues. In the area of camera/lighting functions concepts are discussed for: (1) automatic end effector or task tracking; (2) novel camera designs; (3) computer-generated virtual camera views; (4) computer assisted camera/lighting placement; and (5) voice control. In the technology area of display aids, concepts are presented for: (1) zone displays, such as imminent collision or indexing limits; (2) predictive displays for temporal and spatial location; (3) stimulus-response reconciliation displays; (4) graphical display of depth cues such as 2-D symbolic depth, virtual views, and perspective depth; and (5) view enhancements through image processing and symbolic representations. Finally, operator visual cues (e.g., targets) that help identify size, distance, shape, orientation and location are discussed

    Türkiye Türkçesinde morfosentaktik araçlar : klitikler

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    Bu tez, Türkiye Türkçesinde morfosentaktik araçlar olarak nitelendirilen klitiklerle ilgilidir. Klitiklerin çeşitli dilsel kategorilerle ilişki kurabildiğinin tespit edildiği bu tezde, ağırlıklı olarak klitiklerin görünüş ve kiplik kategorileriyle olan ilişkisi incelenmektedir.Fonolojik, morfolojik, sentaktik ve semantik incelemeler içeren bu tez, klitiklere odaklanan bilimsel çalışmaların derlenmesini sağlamakta ve klitiklerin kiplik ve görünüş kategorileriyle ilişkisini tespit ederek çeşitli sınıflandırmalar sunmaktadır. Türkiye Türkçesinde morfosentaktik araçlar olarak nitelendirilen klitikler, eş zamanlı ve art zamanlı bir şekilde incelenmektedir. Bunun yanında görünüş işaretleyicileri ve kiplik parçacıkları olarak klitiklerin ortaya çıkardığı değerler, işlevsel bir yaklaşımla çözümlenmektedir. Zamir kökenli şahıs işaretleyicileri, “klitik zamirler” olarak ele alınmakta ve bu unsurların sentaktik birkaraktere sahip oldukları belirtilmektedir. idi ~ ±(y)DX, imiş ~ ±(y)mXş, ise ~ ±(y)sA, iken ~ ±(y)ken ve ±DXr klitikleri, görünüş ve kiplik kategorileriyle ilişkilendirilmekte ve bu klitiklerin sentaktik rolleri belirlenmektedir. Klitikleşme, dilin dinamik doğası içinde bağımsız morfemlerin bağımlı morfemlere dönüşürken yaşadığı ara süreçler olarak nitelendirilmekte ve bu ara süreçlerin birçok dil kategorisini kapsadığı tespit edilmektedir.Türkiye Türkçesinde morfosentaktik araçlar olarak nitelendirilen klitikler şunlardır:±(y)Xm, ±sXn, ±(y)Xz, ±sXnXz, ±lAr, ±DXr, A, bile, dA, +CA, ±CAsInA, +CAk, +cAğIz, anca, ancak, ile ~ +(y)lA, +ki, ki, mX, idi ~ ±(y)DX, imiş ~ ±(y)mXş, ise ~ ±(y)sA, iken ~ ±(y)ken.This thesis is about the clitics, which are described as the morphosyntactic instrumentsin Turkey Turkish. In this thesis, in which it is determined that clitics can relate to various linguistic categories, the relationship of clitics with aspect and modality categories is mainly examined. This thesis, which includes phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic studies, provides a compilation of scientific studies focusing on clitics and presents various classifications by determining the relationship of clitics with modality and aspect categories.Clitics, which are described as morphosyntactic instruments in Turkey Turkish, are analyzed synchronically and diachronically. In addition, the values revealed by clitics as aspect markers and modal particles are analyzed with a functional approach. Personal markers of pronoun origin are considered as “clitic pronouns” and it is stated that these elements have a syntactic character. idi ~ ±(y)DX, imiş ~ ±(y)mXş, ise ~ ±(y)sA, iken ~ ±(y)ken and ±DXr clitics are associated with aspect and modality categories and the syntactic roles of these clitics are determined. Cliticization is defined as the intermediate processes that independent morphemes experience while transforming into dependent morphemes in the dynamic nature of the language, and it is determined that these intermediate processes cover many language categories.The clitics, which are described as morphosyntactic instruments in Turkey Turkish are as follows:±(y)Xm, ±sXn, ±(y)Xz, ±sXnXz, ±lAr, ±DXr, A, bile, dA, +CA, ±CAsInA, +CAk, +cAğIz, anca, ancak, ile ~ +(y)lA, +ki, ki, mX, idi ~ ±(y)DX, imiş ~ ±(y)mXş, ise ~ ±(y)sA, iken ~ ±(y)ken

    Effects of Cutting Tool Parameters on Vibration

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    This paper presents of the influence on vibration of Co28Cr6Mo medical alloy machined on a CNC lathe based on cutting parameters (rotational speed, feed rate, depth of cut and tool tip radius). The influences of cutting parameters have been presented in graphical form for understanding. To achieve the minimum vibration, the optimum values obtained for rpm, feed rate, depth of cut and tool tip radius were respectively, 318 rpm, 0.25 mm/rev, 0.9 mm and 0.8 mm. Maximum vibration has been revealed the values obtained for rpm, feed rate, depth of cut and tool tip radius were respectively, 636 rpm, 0.1 mm/rev, 0,5 mm and 0.8 mm

    Otel işletmelerinde dış kaynaklardan yararlanma uygulamaları: Nevşehir ili örneği

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, dış kaynaklardan yaralanma (DKY) ile ilgili Nevşehir ilinde faaliyet gösteren otel işletmelerindeki uygulamaların mevcut durumunu incelemektir. Araştırma sonucunda Nevşehir ilindeki otellerin yarısından fazlasının DKY uyguladığı, ilaçlama ve çamaşırhane hizmetlerinin en çok DKY uygulanan alanlar olduğu, işletmelerin ağırlıklı olarak maliyet avantajından dolayı DKY stratejisini benimsediği, otellerin durumdan memnuniyetleri sebebiyle gelecekte tekrar DKY eğiliminde oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte işletmeler için DKY’nin faydaları, sorunları ile işletmelerin tedarikçi seçimi ve sözleşme durumları ortaya konulmuştur. Nevşehir’deki otel işletmelerinde işletmenin DKY uygulama durumunun ve hizmet kalitesinin otelin oda sayısına göre farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.The aim of this study is to examine the current status of outsourcing applications within the scope of the hotels in the province of Nevşehir. According to findings of the research, it is found that in the province of Nevşehir, more than half of the hotels have been applying outsourcing, that the most common services subjected to be outsourced is laundry and disinfection services, that the main reason in the hotels’ preference of outsourcing is low prices that it offers as an advantage, and that the hotels tend to continue outsourcing as a result of their satisfaction. In addition, it is found out what the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing for the businesses are what criteria hotels specify while they select the suppliers, and what criteria hotels determine while negotiating with the supplier. Morever, it is found that the hotels’s preference of outsourcing and its service quality change in accordance with the number of the rooms the hotel has

    Hemoglobins, Hemorphins, and 11p15.5 Chromosomal Region in Cancer Biology and Immunity with Special Emphasis for Brain Tumors

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    In systemic cancers, increased hemolysis leads to extracellular hemoglobin (HB), and experimental studies have shown its provoking role on tumor growth and metastasis. However, investigations have shown that HB chains presented by tumor vascular pericytes or serum protein complexes of HB could also induce antitumor immunity, which may be harnessed to treat refractory cancers and brain tumors. Mounting recent evidence shows that expression of HBs is not restricted to erythrocytes and that HBs exist in the cells of lung and kidney, in macrophages, and in neurons and glia of the central nervous system (CNS). HBsmediate coping with hypoxia and free radical stress in normal and tumor cells, and they are increased in certain tumors including breast, lung, colon, and squamous cell cancers. Recent studies showed HBs in meningioma, in the cyst fluid of craniopharyngioma, in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of pediatric patients with posterior fossa tumors, and in glioblastoma cell lines. Hemorphins, abundant brain peptides formed via HB-chain cleavage, exert opioid activity and antiproliferative and immunomodifier effects. Hence mutations in HBs may modify brain tumorigenesis via influencing hemorphins and perturbing regulations of immune surveillance and cell growth in the neuroectodermal tissues. The beta-globin gene cluster resides in the chromosome region 11p15.5, harboring important immunity genes and IGF2, H19, PHLDA2/TSSC3, TRIM3, and SLC22A18 genes associated with cancers and gliomas. 11p15.5 is a prominent region subject to epigenetic regulation. Thus the beta-globin loci may exert haplotypal interactions with these. Some clues support this theory. It is well established that iron load induces liver cancer in thalassemia major; however iron load-independent associations also exist. Enhanced rates of hematologic malignancies are associated with HB Lepore, association of hemoglobin E with cholangiocarcinoma, and enhanced gastric cancer rates in the thalassemia trait. In the African Herero population, a mutant form of delta-globin is very prevalent, and this population has higher rates of pediatric brain tumors. Globins are also expressed in healthy endothelia and in tumoral vessels, indicating potential involvement in angiogenesis. Studies on HBs and their cleavage peptides in cancers and brain tumors may lead to innovative treatment strategies

    Aptamer-based electrochemical biosensing strategy toward human non-small cell lung cancer using polyacrylonitrile/polypyrrole nanofibers

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    Kivrak, Ezgi/0000-0001-8552-3473WOS: 000569549000002PubMed: 32935151In the present study, a sensitive electrochemical aptamer-based biosensing strategy for human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) detection was proposed using nanofiber-modified disposable pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs). the composite nanofiber was comprised of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polypyrrole (PPy) polymers, and fabrication of the nanofibers was accomplished using electrospinning process onto PGEs. Development of the nanofibers was confirmed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). the high-affinity 5 '-aminohexyl-linked aptamer was immobilized onto a PAN/PPy composite nanofiber-modified sensor surface via covalent bonding strategy. After incubation with NSCLC living cells (A549 cell line) at 37.5 degrees C, the recognition between aptamer and target cells was monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). the selectivity of the aptasensor was evaluated using nonspecific human cervical cancer cells (HeLa) and a nonspecific aptamer sequence. the proposed electrochemical aptasensor showed high sensitivity toward A549 cells with a detection limit of 1.2 x 10(3)cells/mL. the results indicate that our label-free electrochemical aptasensor has great potential in the design of aptasensors for the diagnostics of other types of cancer cells with broad detection capability in clinical analysis.Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science [18/FBE/001]The authors acknowledge financial support from Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Project Coordinator (18/FBE/001). We also acknowledge the technical support from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (FABAL), Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University